Our Curriculum

The Langley Academy curriculum comprises the knowledge and skills that all our students need in order to succeed in their learning, employment and future life.

Our curriculum vision is to provide an exceptional education for every child through high aspirations and the principles of quality learning, encouraging curiosity, exploration and discovery. We believe that this will enable students to learn and achieve, empowered to live full and enriched lives and contribute positively to family life, a community and the wider world.

The curriculum covers a carefully planned sequence of learning across a broad range of subjects and sets out how we expect these to be taught and assessed. It is significantly enhanced by our model of Museum Learning.

Our curriculum underpins the high ambitions we have for our students; it is much more than preparing students to pass tests or exams.  Faculties run a range of relevant enrichment activities and students have the opportunity to take part in masterclasses, local and national competitions and summer schools.

We work to ensure that all students are able to study a broad and balanced curriculum. Every student has the opportunity to enrich their core of academic subjects with one of two languages, humanities, creative and practical subjects and physical education. The students are equipped to develop the fundamental tools of literacy and numeracy, providing every child with the necessary skills to access each subject and achieve their potential.

The Langley Academy curriculum takes into account the specific, and sometimes unique, needs of each student and is structured so that all children have an equal opportunity to be successful.

Subject teachers regularly assess students’ work to monitor progress. Where issues are identified, we work to remedy them quickly. Reports are issued up to three times a year and used to track students’ progress as well as providing details on attendance and attitude to learning.

Students at TLA learn in modern, well-equipped buildings which provide an exceptional environment for study where they can develop and grow into mature and responsible members of society.

Please click on the expandable sections below for an overview of our curriculum.

Our Curriculum

Please explore the faculties pages for subject specific details and curriculum maps HERE.

Our curriculum is intended to help students to:

  • Transition successfully from Key Stage 2 and prepare them for the next steps at each Key Stage.
  • Achieve high standards and make progress that is at least in line with their prior attainment.
  • Catch up with their peers where they are not achieving age related expectations at age 11.
  • Become independent learners.
  • Be challenged and stretched to achieve their full potential.
  • Have increased commitment to and enjoyment of learning.
  • Develop socially responsible individuals who contribute to their community.
  • All students are enabled to develop their literacy and numeracy skills, at an appropriately challenging level, in all subjects across the curriculum.
  • Reading is included as a continuous skill development across all key stages for students of all abilities.
  • Students’ oracy skills are developed to enable them to confidently speak and listen.
  • Time is provided for students to practise what they know, to remember and to deepen their understanding.
  • Intellectual curiosity and artistic appreciation is interwoven across all subjects.
  • Spiritual; moral, social, cultural and physical development are central to our curriculum as part of developing the whole person.

If you would like any further details about our curriculum; please contact Ms Foreman -

Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9

Our Key Stage 3 programme meets the National Curriculum requirements issued by the DfE. All students in Key Stage 3 will study a broad and balanced curriculum. The National Curriculum comprises of:

  • Core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science
  • Foundation subjects: History, Geography, Design and Technology (DT), Creative and Performing Arts, Physical Education (PE), Computing, Religious and Personal Studies (RPS), and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Key Stage 4: Years 10 & 11

At the Langley Academy, we ensure students continue to study a broad and balanced curriculum into KS4. We are an inclusive community and give students every opportunity to develop their passion and interests as they grow into mature young adults.

For further information about our please visit the KS4 curriculum page:

KS4 Curriculum Page

Key Stage 5: Years 12 & 13

At KS5 students select three subjectsfrom over 20 subjects in year 12.
The curriculum provides a framework for teaching students in school. The overall purpose is to:

  • provide parity for all groups of students
  • engage students promoting their curiosity and intuitiveness to learn and apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts
  • provide students with a rich and detailed understanding of each subject
  • challenge all groups of students

At Langley Academy, we all recognise our responsibility of teaching students well through our curriculum. Teachers reflect carefully about how to share their subject knowledge through clearly presented materials that engage and inspire discussion. Lessons are appropriately scaffolded to ensure that all students can achieve the highest standards.

The curriculum in each subject area is sequenced to ensure that students are able to recall prior knowledge and build upon this making connection within and across subjects. Students will revisit previous learning and be able to show their understanding through activities which require application of prior knowledge. Skills for future learning and employment e.g. team work, listening and speaking, are developed in all areas of the curriculum.

Assessment is at the centre of an effective curriculum. Teachers regularly check work and address misconceptions and gaps in learning to ensure all students’ learning needs are met. They direct students to the next steps in their learning through written and oral feedback.

Students complete homework tasks that reinforce the skills and activities already experienced and prepare them for the next steps in their learning.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) is promoted across all aspects of school life. Through different experiences students develop an understanding of right and wrong, their responsibility as a citizen and an appreciation of the arts. Most importantly they have respect for each other and adults in and beyond our community.

We consider it is crucial that equal opportunities and fundamental British Values are taught and understood at all levels of curriculum provision. Belonging to an inclusive community is central to learning through the curriculum.

We extend our curriculum further with a rich programme of experiences through trips, additional activities and clubs. There are a wide range of sports teams and clubs linked with subjects. Other activities add depth to the curriculum such as debating, mindfulness and digital leading. Weekend and evening pursuits including university access courses, lectures, theatre visits and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Many trips and visits are organised to support and add breadth to the curriculum such as geography field trips and the MFL / history trips to Spain and Germany.

The effectiveness and delivery of our curriculum is reviewed through our half termly quality assurance.

  • all groups of students are able to access the curriculum
  • students contribute positively to their learning
  • students learn well within and beyond the classroom; attendance/participation in enrichment activities is high
  • high rates of progress are delivered by the school for students of all abilities and backgrounds
  • students progress to their next stage confidently and show commitment to lifelong learning
  • students develop respect for each other and members of the community and have an understanding of how to stay healthy and safe
  • student focus groups consistently feedback about how much they value their teachers

If you would like more information on our board and balance curriculum please contact Ms Benton by emailing



Read Aloud

Langley Academy Read Aloud Journey