Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At The Langley Academy, we are committed to giving our students opportunities to achieve their potential, by taking into consideration their varied learning needs. We offer a broad, balanced curriculum with high expectations for all children. We also strive to be an inclusive school and actively seek to remove the barriers to learning through quality first teaching and extra interventions where necessary.

Regular in-school CPD sessions are held to update school staff on appropriate strategies to support students in mainstream lessons.

The school also has a dedicated Hearing Resource Base which is an acoustically treated space for students with a moderate to profound hearing loss as their main need. Places are allocated through a consultation process with the Slough SEND department for students who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Students attached to the Base are allocated to mainstream House Tutor groups and will spend at least 60% of their lessons in the mainstream lessons with some additional support. These students will access the Resource Base for relevant interventions and specialist teaching as outlined on their EHCPs delivered by Teachers of the Deaf and other specialists.

Our SEND Team offer a personalised curriculum and pastoral support to students with SEND where applicable. These provisions are detailed in our SEND Report.

Find out who our Learning Support/SEND team are and how we can support your child

Further information, Slough Local Offer, our SEND Policy and SEND report

Umbrella Project

Umbrellas 0345The ADHD Foundation 'Umbrella Project'

The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project is an uplifting visual representation of all the different minds we have here in the UK*. The different umbrellas on display represent one in five who have a neurodevelopmental condition. These impactful displays have been installed in the centre of each of our schools to provide a talking point and start or indeed continue conversations about neurodiversity. By being involved in this project we are taking steps to help change the perception of neurodiverse/neurodivergent people and celebrate all the many strengths that come from thinking differently. Celebrating differences and coming together is integral to the Arbib way and so we are fortunate to be one of 200 schools who are part of the Umbrella Project and one of 100 other organisations involved in this important journey.  

*ADHD Foundation