Exams Information

The Langley Academy strives to make the exams experience as stress-free as possible.  In order for students to familiarise themselves with exam conditions and hopefully reduce their anxiety, students begin to experience exams in formal conditions from Year 9 onwards.

We have attached various documents that we highly recommend you read which contain important information in order to gain an understanding of the exams process. However, should you need help or advice please do not hesitate to contact our Examinations Officer.

As students’ progress through the school their level of exposure to assessment builds in order to develop their confidence and readiness for examinations. This includes assessment weeks in Key Stage 3 and a series of mock exams in the exams hall in Key Stage 4 and 5 in preparation for public exams.

Ms J Howard
Examinations Officer 

Please click on the expandable sections below for further useful information.