Help and Support


We are also working with a mental health charity called Place2Be. The Place2Be counsellor is available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
For further information, please see the information sheet below and the Place2Be communication by Mrs Lusuardi.

Place2Be CommunicationPlace2Be Information Sheet

Counselling and other support

The Academy Counsellor provides a support service for students who would like to talk in a confidential environment. If parents/carers or students feel counselling would help, they can contact their Raising Standards Leader to arrange some sessions or download the following pdf file.

Counselling - A Guide for Parents and Carers TLACounselling - A Guide for Students TLA

Family Liaison Officer

The Family Liaison Officer works as a member of non-teaching staff to support families and students who may be experiencing issues and problems at school and home, particularly (but not exclusively) those who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding.

The Family Liaison Officer gives tailored support to families to strengthen parenting skills and family cohesion.

She offers students 1-1, weekly support sessions.

She also works to strengthens links between families and the school.

If you have any questions or think your family would benefit from this support, please do not hesitate to contact The Academy

Useful Contacts​

 Family Lives - Advice and information on all aspects of family life on website and a helpline for parents under stress 0808 800 2222

Family Lives

 Young Minds - A good source of confidential support for anyone worried about the emotional problems or behaviour of children and young people with a lot of information on a wide range of topics. Tel. 0808 802 5544

Young Minds

Childline - 0800 1111 is a helpline for children and young people. Calls are free and confidential. If you are worried about anything, it could be something big or something small - don't bottle it up. It can really help if you talk to someone. You can contact Childline on the helpline, an email chat or a message board.


Contact details for support for specific issues can be found in this document:

Support for Specific Issues

‘Coaching your teenager’ – a booklet to help parents of teenagers aged 14 to 19

It can sometimes seem more difficult to get involved with a teenager’s learning. This booklet is designed to make it easier. It provides:

  • coaching tips and advice to help them get the most out of school or college
  • suggestions for ‘conversation starters’
  • advice on how to gain the confidence to get involved, and information on where you can find out more

Taking an active interest in your teenager’s work is just as important as doing so when they are younger. Parents and carers who work as a team with their teenager can help them stay positive and on track to make the most of their future.

Coaching Your Teenager