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Key Stage 3 Science
Year 7 had introductory lessons in science, they learnt about safety in the lab and hazards. They designed posters about safety in the lab. They also, learnt how to use Bunsen Burner and were excited during the session, each student received a certificate for being able to use the Bunsen Burner. They also, learnt about different equipment in the lab, they investigated solubility of sugar using different temperatures, recorded data in result tables and plotted graphs.
They learned about animal cell, plant cell and specialised cells. They made an onion slide and observed parts of onion cell under microscope. As homework they created an animal or plant model that they have learnt in class.
Year 8 started a smooth start this term, they have been learning about health and lifestyle, electricity and periodic table. In biology they did practical about food tests and learnt about the digestive system and how it works. In physics, they learnt about parallel and series circuits and practical of how to build each circuit. In chemistry students learnt about groups and periods in the periodic table.
Year 9 this year, they started their GCSE course and enjoyed learning about the ecosystem, forces, and atomic structure. In biology, they learnt about feeding relationship, deforestation and global warming. In physics, they learnt about forces and enjoyed a number of practical such as finding the centre of mass and resultant forces. In chemistry, they learnt about structure of the atom.