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Art & Design Update
KS3 Highlights
This term, our Year 7 got to explore the topic of Climate Change as part of their Shapes Project. We collaborated with Museum Learning to put together works from all students into an installation in our gallery. They got to learn about how their artwork could make difference to their environment too! Massive well done to Year 7!
GCSE Achievement highlight
Our recent display on ‘Wall of Wonderment’ in Art displays and showcases the rotation of our Art student’s work. For last term, we displayed the portraits with different mediums from our Yer 11 and this term is Year 10s turn to celebrate their creations!
A massive well done to the students in GCSE Art and the individuals that their work is on display.
Year 11 - We are so proud of you:
Jiya K, Alissa W, Namreet G, Julia B, Abdi A, Siyona B, and Tia W
Year 10 - We are so proud of you:
Erin B, Anbarasi R, Marcel W, Rafeal R, Ria K, Rithika M and Sara B
Design and Technology
Extra-curricular Highlights
This term, our Year 8 and 9 students have been given opportunity to sign up for external collaboration STEM session exploring Rubber Band Car by the Small piece Trust. Here are some pictures that showcase their activity, creativity, and innovation. Well done to Year 8 and 9!
GCSE Achievement Highlight
With the exam season, we would like to showcase this outcome from our student’s creation using the 3D Printer, Soldering and the Design skills. This student didn’t only make a sculptural replica, but one with moving parts. It shows attention to detail, finesse in engineering and true skill. The glowing eyes create an atmosphere to the piece which highlights the intricate details exhibited. Well done to all who have pushed themselves above and beyond to create these fascinating pieces. Well done to Musa F!