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Maths Update
What a start to this academic year! The Maths curriculum has been jam-packed of new learning and deep understanding of our favourite subject. Our roadmap is aimed to achieve real progress and secure learning from Year 7 to 11.
Our homework platform Sparx Maths is well established, and the Maths faculty would like to say a huge thank you to all parents for your support. Sparx personalises each child’s homework, creating a weekly set of questions tailored to their level of understanding and learning pace. The questions are designed to be achievable whilst offering the stretch that learners need to make progress, that is why it is important to keep up with all homework. If you would like to know more, you can watch this video.
One of the keys to Sparx Maths homework is parental involvement: you will be familiar with the weekly email that you receive about your child’s progress with their homework and for this we thank you for your ongoing support. Students also earn Achievement Points for 100% completion, points for their Houses and top students in each year are awarded a lunchtime pass to beat the queue. Please, be on the lookout for postcards sent home to some of our most hardworking students.
In terms of curriculum, the themes covered are the following:
- Year 7 - Algebraic Thinking
- Year 8 - Proportional Reasoning
- Year 9 - Reasoning with Algebra
- Year 10 - Similarity and Trigonometry
- Year 11 Foundation - Using Numbers
- Year 11 Higher - Manipulating algebraic expressions
In Year 11, a group of students has been selected to attend our Further Maths lessons with Mr Gupta: small group lessons with a specifically designed curriculum that stretches our most able students.
The Maths faculty offer at 6th Form is wide: two A-level Maths classes per year; one Further Maths class per year; the recently added Core Maths in Year 12. Core Maths is an AS subject with the aim to provide examples of Maths applications in several contexts, e.g. biology and psychology.
Our team strive to keep abreast of the latest research. We are really proud to announce that Mr Salian has been appointed Secondary Maths Mastery Specialist, Local Leader of Maths Education (LLME) by our local Maths Hub, following a two-year training. Mr Salian will be working with two grammar schools to model how the Maths Mastery principles can be embedded in the curriculum and in lessons.
The Maths faculty also has been running the several enrichment programmes, which have been proven to be very popular: the ever so popular Chess club and UKMT Challenge. Our enrichment activities aim to open students' minds to the breadth and depth of mathematics, foster/develop brain fitness, feel good about solving a challenge and develop communication skills.
Finally, the Maths staff have been busy for the past 6 months preparing for our first TLA Maths Week. It will be in the week beginning 11 November, so keep an eye on TLA social media accounts for updates.