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World Book Week 2022
This year’s World Book Week starts immediately after half term on 28 February. A wonderful buzz is beginning to build around it and we are all getting excited! We have plenty to look forward to this year including two author visits, quizzes, competitions, a celebration of 25 years of Harry Potter, a second-hand book sale and more!
Monday 28 February - Holly Smale (author of the Geek Girl series and The Valentines) will be visiting us for the day, focussing on Year 9. Parents should have received an email about this and Seth Burkett’s visit (see below) explaining that their books can be ordered via ParentPay for them to sign for your children on the relevant day.
Tuesday 1 March - Harry Potter Day at TLA! Students and staff can come to school dressed as their favourite Harry Potter character. There will be dressing up and selfies in the Library at lunch time. (Please note - Students are welcome to come to school dressed as a Harry Potter character, otherwise students MUST WEAR USUAL SCHOOL UNIFORM).
Wednesday 2 March - The Great Langley Book Sale! There will be a lunch time book sale of second-hand books that are being retired from the Library, or have been donated but are surplus to requirement. Every book will cost 50p and there will be one brownie for each buyer while stocks last! All money raised will go towards new titles for the Library.
Thursday 3 March - World Book Day! Author and footballer Seth Burkett will be visiting us for the day. He will be talking to Years 7 and 8, and will be doing a special session with Year 12 BTEC PE students. He has kindly agreed to judge The Great Potato Competition.