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Half Term Update
Simmons Term - Internationalism
This term has been Simmons House term and as such we have been focusing on the house value of Internationalism. In the assemblies at the beginning of term we learnt about Lydia Simmons who came to the UK from Monserrat in the Caribbean during the Windrush period.
She was a very active local councillor working very closely with community groups in Slough, especially children and Young People. She served two terms as the town’s mayor. She was, in fact the first black female mayor in the country.
We also learnt that Internationalism is most commonly expressed as an appreciation for the diverse cultures in the world, and a desire for world peace. People who express this view believe in not only being a citizen of their respective countries, but of being a citizen of the world.
That we can seek out, discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding and respect. The spirit of Internationalism is found in those of us who seek to discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures and nationalities in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding and respect.
The growth of digital communication across geographical borders and the sharing of each other’s cultures through travel and trade is commonplace today. There is an appreciation that national differences are lessening, and a blending of cultures, traditions and cultural exchange is on the increase.
There were 3 competitions/challenges set. The 1st was a competition asking that students create a collage using any medium they wanted to that summarises and conveys the key elements that make up the identity of any country that students had an affinity / link to. The entries are currently being assessed and the results will be announced during House assembly next term.
The 2nd was a cooking competition where the challenge was similar in that the cuisine had to reflect the heritage of the country to which students had an affinity to. The 1st round has been completed and 8 dishes have been selected to go through to the final cook off on a date TBC.
The 3rd is a quiz looking at careers around the world and changing communication, that is happening during house tutor this week and the results will be announced after the holiday.
Upcoming Herschel Term - In term 4 we will focus on Caroline Herschel and the value of ‘Enquiry’. Students will learn about this pioneer lady of business and astronomy. The next term closely links with British Science Week as well as final preparations for examinations for many students. In a time of such global connectivity the level of enquiry possible is larger than ever before, from academic, financial to cultural enquiry. The Arbib Academy Trust will again host a number of activities that will develop their curiosity while further developing on the skills that they have learnt thus far.