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British Science Week
This term has been a busy but exciting term for our Scientists. Students in Year 7-10 all participated in British Science Week. This year's theme was CONNECTIONS. At TLA, we decided to explore how the three science disciplines connect with other subjects taught in the academy.
Year 7 students visited the Science Museum, where they explored the development of medicine, houseware items and critical discoveries within Space Science.
Year 7 students also had the opportunity to have the Dome experience in school, where they went on a fantastic adventure through astronomy—discovered more about the Sun, Moon and other galaxies. They even got to see imagery from the Hubble telescope.
Each House Tutor Group competed in the Scavenger hunt arranged for Year 7. Teachers around the academy assumed the role of inventors, while students had to find out which invention matched which inventor.
- 1st Place: Holmes
- 2nd Place: Arbib
- 3rd Place: Nash/Simmons
Year 8 students completed a scavenger hunt on the theme of Endangered species, where several staff members around the academy assumed the role of Endangered Species for the day. Year 8 students worked exceptionally well in their teams. We have received 52 entries back by the deadline.
- 1st Place: Gabby, Luesa, Anika and Brooke
- 2nd Place: Alex, Ryan, Jacob and Eden
- 3rd Place: Rohith, Sabeth, Avanya and Sanjana
Year 9 students visited Whipsnade Zoo, where they attended a workshop on Adaptation and Evolution. Students discovered how different animal species have become adapted to different habitats over a long period. Through a hands-on activity, students explored the adaptions of various species in depth and were introduced to how that happened through natural selection.
Year 9 students behaved impeccably despite facing extreme weather conditions when visiting the Zoo.
Braintastic Shows
All our year groups attended sessions run by the Braintastic team. The sessions focused on psychology and neuroscience—the brain's structure and how it works. Students were amazed by the tips and tricks they gained from these sessions. Many of the ideas can be applied to revision and their study patterns.
We combined our skills in cross-stitching with probability in Maths to display possible connections.
Many more activities took place during science lessons, where students compared scientists with artists and used their mathematical knowledge, Design Tech ideas and their understanding of Forces to build bridges that can hold up a large amount of weight. Students had online sessions with Medical Mavericks where they explored their senses or explored the different career choices in the NHS.
The Science team would like to thank all our students and staff for joining us in celebrating Science and actively participating in Science Week 2023.